He objected to severe punishment and thought that criminal penalty should be accoding to humanitarianism. 反对重刑酷罚,主张并实践刑罚人道主义等。
Where an illegal act constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with law; no administrative penalty shall be imposed in place of criminal penalty. 违法行为构成犯罪,应当依法追究刑事责任,不得以行政处罚代替刑事处罚。
The author propose that we should judicial maintain according to law and make proper criminal penalty judge to the requester and the actor of mediate and accept bribes and the corresponding national staff on the basis of their action. 笔者建议对斡旋受贿案中涉案的请托人、斡旋行为人、相对国家工作人员根据其行为分别进行司法认定和刑罚裁量。
Where a citizen was put into custody or was sentenced criminal penalty because of his intentionally false confession or falsification of other evidence of guilt; 因公民自己故意作虚伪供述,或者伪造其他有罪证据被羁押或者被判处刑罚的;
The forth part is to study the system of accusation and the standard of criminal penalty. 第四部分,研究受贿罪的罪名体系及刑罚标准。
In the practice, the results of drink-driving should be arranged by the severity, and then the behavior will be sentenced properly and got criminal penalty. 实践中应将醉酒驾驶造成后果的严重程度予以排列,对醉酒驾驶行为作出合理量刑,进行刑事处罚。
Beyond the Predicament: Research on Applicability of Criminal Penalty 困境与超越:中国罚金刑适用问题探究
Concluding ability of criminal and criminal penalty, criminal capacity is the qualification to crime and to take criminal responsibility. 刑事责任能力是指通过行为触犯刑法规范并承担刑事责任的资格。
Its person ( s)-in-charge-designate is ( are) under or has ( have) been subjected to criminal penalty of deprivation of political rights, or have no complete civil capacity; and. 拟任负责人正在或者曾经受到剥夺政治权利的刑事处罚,或者不具有完全民事行为能力的;
On Challenge Of Environmental Crime To Traditional Criminal Penalty And Way Out 环境犯罪对传统刑罚目的之挑战与应对
The Boundary of Criminal Penalty Power: the Definition of the Crime and the Crime that be definited 刑罚权的边界:犯罪的定义与被定义的犯罪&对新一轮犯罪定义争鸣的基本态度
Thinking About Its Connotation For Criminal Penalty Of Completion Of Enforcement 关于刑罚执行完毕之内涵的思考&以累犯与数罪并罚制度的适用为视角
A crime is the behavior that is harmful to the society and should be punished with criminal penalty. 犯罪是具有社会危害性的行为,应当受到刑法处罚。
A crime is a behavior within the definition of the provisions of the criminal law and should be subject to criminal penalty. 犯罪是刑法规定范畴的应承担刑事责任的行为。
Shall be subject to criminal penalty. 都必将受到法律的制裁。
However, in the system of current criminal penalty, such as life imprisonment, fine, deprivation of one's political rights and recidivist system are unsuitable for minor's crime. 现行刑罚体系中无期徒刑、罚金、剥夺政治权利的刑种和累犯制度适用于未成年犯罪人不合理,应予革除。
The purpose of criminal policy is to strike, prevent crime and maintain social order by means of criminal penalty and other non-criminal punishment. 刑事政策的目的是打击和预防犯罪,维护稳定的社会秩序;刑事政策的手段是刑罚和其他非刑罚的方法。
Criminal penalty is a compulsory measure used by a ruling class with regime to punish crimes. 刑罚是掌握政权的统治阶级用以惩罚犯罪的强制方法。
The criminal penalty can bring great bodily and spiritual suffering to the guilty person. 刑罚给被判定有罪的人所带来的是巨大的身体上和精神上的折磨。
On Technological Crime and the Criminal Penalty of China 浅谈技术犯罪与我国刑罚
Personal danger has significant influence on legislation, measurement and implement of criminal penalty. 人身危险性对刑罚立法、刑罚裁量和刑罚执行具有重大的影响。
Forfeiture of Property is an old and harsh Criminal Penalty in human history. 在人类历史上,没收财产是一种古老而又严厉的刑罚。
Based on the study in object of crime, subject of crime, judicial act and criminal penalty, the author here in the essay advances her viewpoint and legislature suggestions. 本文对挪用资金罪的犯罪客体、犯罪主体、刑罚立法和司法实践中存在的若干问题进行研究,提出了自己的观点和立法建议。
Criterion for sentencing is the basis of the People's Court to decide criminal penalty and extent of punishment. 量刑根据是人民法院在对犯罪分子决定是否判处刑罚以及判处什么刑罚与刑度的依据或理由。
It has formed different ways of criminal penalty subject to the change of observation perspective. 刑罚基于其自身存在的广阔空间,以及我们进行观察视角的转换,构成了认识刑罚的不同方式。
This part based on the third chapter, analysis the legislative and judiciary way to limit the discrepancy of criminal penalty. 本章在第三章的基础上,分析了如何通过立法途径和司法途径限制刑罚差异。
The aim of this paper is to speculate the justification of criminal penalty originally and deeply. 本文的目的在于对刑罚正当性做较之以往更为深入的原创性思辨。
The Prison, as a highly important national organ of criminal penalty, which is responsible for rehabilitation of offenders and prison management. 监狱作为国家重要的刑罚执行机关,主要负责罪犯改造和监狱管理工作。
Criminal record is the fact that criminals are convicted by judicial authority or sentenced to criminal penalty. 刑事前科是被司法机关宣告有罪或者被刑罚处罚的事实。
Criminal Record refers to a state of having been previously convicted and paid criminal penalty. 前科一般指曾经犯过罪,受过刑事处罚的一种法律状态。